By-laws of the Society for Transparency, Openness, and Replication in Kinesiology
By-laws of the Society for Transparency, Openness, and Replication in Kinesiology
Article I: Name and Purpose
The Society for Transparency, Openness, and Replication in Kinesiology (STORK) is a service organization aiming to increase the quality of research produced by those working in the field of kinesiology.
Article II: Membership
Members of the society shall have a research or scholarly interest in the improvement of research practices in kinesiology. Full members will ordinarily be holders of a doctoral degree in kinesiology, movement science, sport and exercise science or allied fields. Student members will ordinarily be those currently enrolled in graduate study within any of these fields. Educators, coaches, practitioners, researchers, students, or athletes without the required academic qualifications will be welcomed into the society as non-academic members.
The Executive Committee of the society may establish application procedures for membership and set additional qualifications (including payment of dues).
Article III: Officers
The Society shall be governed by an Executive Committee consisting of officers elected by the members of the Society. These will be the Chair (President), Co-Chair, Treasurer, Past-Chair, and Committee Chairs (e.g., Publications Chair, Outreach Chair).
The Executive Committee perform usual duties of the respective office, specific duties outlined in these by-laws, and other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee.
Duties of the Chair
Calling meetings
Chairing meetings
Setting meeting agendas
Strategic planning
Succession planning
Monthly newsletter
Duties of the Co-Chair
Ensure compliance with by-laws and organize updates of by-laws, subject to approval by majority vote of membership
Assist the Chair
Keep meeting minutes
Assist Outreach Committee with the STORK events
Duties of the Treasurer
Analyze and track membership
Create new-member welcome packets
Track membership dues
Manage and track budget and financial accounts
Provide regular updates about financial status at Executive Committee Meetings
Publications Chair
The Publication Committee Chair is elected for a period of one year and may reapply for a maximum of three terms. Publication Committee members are appointed by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee of the Society for Transparency, Openness, and Replication in Kinesiology.
The Publication Committee Chair organizes the hosting and management of the STORK journals Registered Reports in Kinesiology, and Communications in Kinesiology, as well as SportRxiv. This includes but is not limited to (a) updating the websites, and (b) providing input about the state of the journals and SportRxiv. The Publications Committee Chair and Publications Committee do not make editorial decisions on submitted manuscripts.
Outreach Chair
Assist with monthly newsletter
Organize STORK Summer Series
Organize STORK conferences
Provides member outreach and manages social media accounts
The Past-Chair is the immediate past chair
The Chair becomes the new Past-Chair when their term expires and serves until a new Past-Chair is available
A meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chair or by a majority of Executive Committee members, with 7 days’ notice provided to all Executive Committee members. Meetings may be conducted in person or by audio or video conference. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of a majority of its members. A quorum is sufficient for passage of a motion
The Executive Committee may act without a meeting by consent of the majority of its members. In such cases, communications among Executive Committee members shall be by telephone, email, or any other communication medium deemed suitable by that majority. Such action shall have the same force as an action carried out at a meeting of the Executive Committee.
In the case of an officer being unable to fulfill the remainder of their elected term, the Executive Committee will appoint a member of the Society to serve the remainder of the term.
Executive Committee members may not serve more than two consecutive terms. After a hiatus of one year, members may serve again on the Executive Committee.
All members of the Executive Committee shall assume office on January 31st following their election and hold office until their successors are elected and assume office.
Article IV: Elections
Executive Committee members will be elected by a vote of the Society membership. Executive Committee members shall serve two-year terms unless specified otherwise during the election, with terms staggered within each group. The following election cycles ensure continuity of the Executive Committee.
Election Cycle 1
Outreach Committee Chair
Election Cycle 2
Publications Chair
Prior to the election, nominations will be sought for a period of at least thirty days from those who have been Society members for a minimum of six months at the time of the election being called. Any eligible member may be nominated (including self-nominations). Nominees will be asked to provide information to appear on the ballot, including name, affiliation, and a candidate statement. All nominees who provide the necessary information will appear on the ballot, subject to confirmation of eligibility by the current Executive Committee. Nominees may only stand for one position per election.
Society members who have held membership for at least six months at the time of the election being called are eligible to vote on all ballots. Voting shall be conducted by electronic ballot.
Voters will rank the candidates on each ballot. From each ballot, one Executive Committee member will be chosen using instant runoff voting with zero elimination and backward tiebreaking. Voting will take place in December of each year. Voting will be open for a period of two weeks.
Article V: Committees
The Executive Committee has the authority to create or dissolve committees as deemed necessary to conduct the business of the Society. The Publications Committee and Outreach Committee are permanent standing committees.
Committee members shall be appointed by the Committee Chair and approved by the Executive Committee. All society members are eligible to serve on committees and may join any number of committees
Article VI: Amendments
Amendments or repeal of any bylaws may be initiated by the Executive Committee or by a petition of at least 10% of the members of the Society. Proposed amendments or repeals will be announced to Society members at least one week prior to voting. Voting shall be conducted by electronic ballot. A majority vote of those who return ballots within two weeks shall carry the vote.
Article VII: Adoption
Following the adoption of these by-laws in 2020, elections for all Executive Committee positions shall occur in December 2020. Election Cycle 2 will occur in 2021, and Election Cycle 1 will occur in 2022.
Article VIII: Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the Society, whether voluntary or involuntary, the assets of the Society, after the payment of all debts, shall be distributed to one or more organizations operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or scientific reasons in satisfaction of the purposes listed in Article I of these bylaws (e.g. Center for Open Science).